Eyewitness Identification Issues

This page is devoted to the work I've done on double-blind sequential lineups. If you are a lawyer looking to file a challenge in your Jurisdiction just click here to download a sample motion. Feel free to just change the caption and file away.

-- If you just want to learn more about the subject feel free to read some of the articles listed below which chronicle the fight to change lineups. They are listed by publication and headline.

The New York Times:
Lawyer Dares Bronx Judges to Change the Way the Police Conduct Lineups:

Judge Orders Rare Lineup of Suspects One at a Time:

Lexis One.com:
Cutting Edge: Criminal Lawyers Fight for New Lineup

The New York Law Journal:
Defense Attorneys Demand New Look at Lineups:

Court Declines to Order Change in Lineup Rules:

Judge Orders First Use of Sequential Lineup:

First Sequential Lineup Held in Staten Island:

Hynes Endorses Double-Blind Police Lineups:

Push for New Lineup Procedure Gains Ground Upstate:

Brooklyn Judge Supports ‘Double-Blind Lineup:

New York Times Magazine:
False Identification Prevention (Ideas Issue)

USA Today:
Police Lineups Encourage Wrong Picks, Experts Say:

Christian Science Monitor:
Bid for Better Ways to ID Suspects:

The Atlantic Monthly
True Confessions:

My WNYC Commentary on the Subject:


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